Exquisite Summer Bouquet
Delight in the exquisite beauty of our summer bouquet, featuring a stunning mix of white roses, elegant alstroemeria, vibrant purple carnations, and lush greenery. Each bloom is hand-selected to ensure superior freshness and quality.
Arrangement Includes:
- Alstroemeria
- Purple Carnations
- White Roses
- Greenery
Grand size creates a striking display in any room.
Freshness Assurance: Delivered in bud form, guaranteeing 5 days of beautiful blooms.
Same-Day Delivery: Place your order by 6:00 PM for same-day delivery.
Care Instructions: Included to help maintain your bouquet’s freshness.
The flowers were so fresh and vibrant, lasting well beyond five days.
Exceptional bouquet with a lovely mix of flowers. Flowers by Post UK provided excellent service.
The arrangement was elegant and the delivery was prompt. Very satisfied with my purchase.
The bouquet was exactly as described and the flowers were exceptionally fresh.
The bouquet was a beautiful addition to my home decor. Fresh and vibrant flowers.
The bouquet was fresh and lasted longer than any I’ve purchased before. Highly recommend.
Stunning flowers with a perfect arrangement. The freshness lasted for over a week.
Fast same-day delivery and the flowers were in perfect condition. Wonderful experience.
Absolutely stunning arrangement! The flowers were fresh and vibrant, brightening up my entire living room.
The flowers looked beautiful and lasted longer than expected. Great quality and service.
Exceptional quality and vibrant colors. The bouquet was a perfect addition to my garden party.
The grand size of the arrangement made a beautiful statement in my home.
The bouquet was a breathtaking display of colors and freshness. Will definitely order again.
Freshness was guaranteed, and the bouquet looked amazing for over five days.