Stunning White Lilies and Red Roses Bouquet
Embrace the splendor and uniqueness of our hand-tied bouquet, featuring White Oriental Lilies elegantly combined with velvet red roses. Enhanced with salal and palm leaves, this arrangement is a perfect blend of color and style.
Flowers Included:
- White Oriental Lilies
- Velvet Red Roses
- Salal Leaves
- Palm Leaves
Large Bouquet Displayed.
The vase shown is for decorative purposes only.
Freshness Guaranteed for 5 Days! Delivered in bud form to bloom beautifully in your environment.
Same-Day Delivery available for orders placed by 18:00.
Substitution Policy:
If any flowers are unavailable, we substitute with similar quality blooms to maintain the bouquet’s beauty.
The bouquet was breathtaking and delivered with great care. I am very pleased with my purchase.
Beautifully arranged and delivered promptly. The white lilies and red roses created a perfect balance.
Such a gorgeous arrangement! The flowers bloomed beautifully, filling the room with grace.
The elegant mix of lilies and roses made the perfect centerpiece.
The elegance of the white lilies paired with red roses is unmatched. Very happy with my purchase.
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