Exquisite Pure Romance Bridesmaid Bouquet
The Pure Romance bouquet combines elegant Purple Roses, Mini Green Chrysanthemums, and White Lisianthus into a stunning arrangement. Each flower is carefully hand-picked for unparalleled freshness and beauty.
Key Components:
- Luxurious purple roses for depth and richness
- Mini green chrysanthemums adding vibrant greenery
- White lisianthus for a touch of sophistication
Featuring a neatly covered handle wrapped in matching ribbon and adorned with white pearls, this bouquet is both lightweight and easy to carry, making it ideal for bridesmaids.
Additional Advantages:
- Same-day delivery for orders before 18:00
- Freshness guaranteed to ensure longevity
- Comprehensive care instructions included
Enhance your wedding with this luxurious and meaningful bouquet. Explore the full collection HERE.
A beautiful and elegant arrangement that added charm to our special day. The service was impeccable.
The bouquet was a perfect blend of elegance and modern style.
Beautifully arranged bouquet that enhanced our wedding decor. Flowers by Post UK did an excellent job with the design.
The bouquet was a perfect accessory that tied our wedding theme together.
The arrangement was exactly as pictured and the flowers were incredibly fresh. Flowers by Post UK exceeded our expectations.