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Celebrate with elegance through our exquisite bouquet of bright yellow roses combined with deep purple shade roses. Each bloom is carefully selected to ensure optimal freshness and stunning beauty, resulting in a uniquely attractive arrangement.

  • Yellow Roses: Representing happiness and genuine friendship.
  • Purple Roses: Bringing an air of sophistication and mystery.

5-Day Freshness Guarantee: Delivered in bud form to maintain freshness, allowing you to enjoy their full bloom.

Same-Day Delivery: Place your order by 18:00 for same-day delivery, beautifully presented in a luxurious box.

Guard Petals:
To protect your bouquet during transit, outer guard petals are kept intact. Simply peel them away upon receipt to display the full arrangement.

Substitution Policy:
If any flowers are unavailable, we replace them with similar blooms of comparable size and color, ensuring the bouquet remains beautiful and high-quality.

  • The bouquet was a perfect blend of vibrant and elegant. Received so many compliments.

  • Ordering was seamless and the same-day delivery ensured that the flowers were fresh and timely.

  • The bouquet was stunning and the delivery was prompt. Very satisfied with my order.

  • Such a lovely arrangement! The flowers were fresh and lasted for several days.

  • The vibrant colours and freshness of the bouquet made it a perfect centerpiece.

  • Very happy with the quality and freshness of the flowers. The bouquet was beautiful.

  • The bouquet was a perfect gift. The colors were vibrant and the flowers lasted long.

  • The flowers were fresh and the luxurious packaging made the bouquet feel very special.

  • Outstanding service from Flowers by Post UK. The bouquet was gorgeous.

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